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    1. He takes for granted the telephone, the railway train, the linotype, the airplane, as our grandfathers took for granted the miracles of the gospels.
    2. The part identifies the entity or entities being granted access. Note that access is granted to "entities" not "entries. " The following table summarizes entity specifiers.
    3. He takes for granted the telephone, the railway train, the linotype, the airplane, as our grandfathers took for granted the miracles of the gospels.
    4. In the WTO, improved market access granted to one member must be granted to all the members according to the most favoured nation(MFN)principle.
    5. Enternet, you can take my bless, take my miss, take my care, take my gentel, but, can you take my tears fall down on the keyboard???


    take it for granted
    �뵱Ȼ; ������Ȼ; �ѡ�������������Ȼ; ��Ϊ��Ȼ;
    We take it for granted
    Don't take it for granted
    take for granted
    ����������Ȼ�����ԡ�������������; ������Ȼ; �뵱Ȼ����Ϊ��������Ȼ; ��Ϊ������Ȼ;
    take sth for granted
    ��Ϊ��Ȼ; ��Ϊij�µ�Ȼ; �뵱Ȼ����Ϊ...; ��Ϊij�µ�Ȼ���뵱Ȼ;


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