1. He takes for granted the telephone, the railway train, the linotype, the airplane, as our grandfathers took for granted the miracles of the gospels. ���ѵ绰�����������ֻ����ɻ���������Ȼ֮�£��������ǵ��游һ���Ѹ�����
2. The part identifies the entity or entities being granted access. Note that access is granted to "entities" not "entries. " The following table summarizes entity specifiers. ���ֱ����t�������������Ȩ��ʵ�塣ע�⣬����Ȩ�DZ����衰ʵ�塱���ǡ���Ŀ�����±��Ƕ�ʵ��˵�����ĸ�����
3. He takes for granted the telephone, the railway train, the linotype, the airplane, as our grandfathers took for granted the miracles of the gospels. ���ѵ绰�����������ֻ����ɻ���������Ȼ֮�£��������ǵ��游һ���Ѹ�����
4. In the WTO, improved market access granted to one member must be granted to all the members according to the most favoured nation(MFN)principle. ����ó��֯�У������г�������һ����Ա����������г�Ա������ݹ���������ݹ�����ԭ��
5. Enternet, you can take my bless, take my miss, take my care, take my gentel, but, can you take my tears fall down on the keyboard??? ��·��������ȥ���ҵ�ף������ȥ���ҵ�˼���ȥ�˹��ģ���ȥ�����������ǣ�������ȥ�ҵ��ڼ����ϵ������𣿣���
take it for granted �뵱Ȼ;
We take it for granted ���ǻ������Ȼ;
Don't take it for granted ��Ҫ�뵱Ȼ��;
take for granted ����������Ȼ�����ԡ�������������;
take sth for granted ��Ϊ��Ȼ;