1. The harmful substance for health includes fatal substance, substance that can arise hypersusceptibility, environmental hormone and futures. ��֯Ʒ�϶������к���������ҪΪ�°����ʡ��������ʡ������ɶ��ɺ������к������Ĵ��ࡣ
2. The substance was extracted by hot distilled water to obtain a water-soluble substance (WSS) and a water-insoluble substance (WIS). ��ɫ��״�ᆳ��ˮ���ᡢ���ĺõ�ˮ�������ʣ�WSS����ˮ���������ʣ�WIS����
3. The harmful substance for health includes fatal substance, substance that can arise hypersusceptibility, environmental hormone and futures. ��֯Ʒ�϶������к���������ҪΪ�°����ʡ��������ʡ������ɶ��ɺ������к������Ĵ��ࡣ
4. The substance was extracted by hot distilled water to obtain a water-soluble substance (WSS) and a water-insoluble substance (WIS). ��ɫ��״�ᆳ��ˮ���ᡢ���ĺõ�ˮ�������ʣ�WSS����ˮ���������ʣ�WIS����
5. This paper reviews character and application of synthetic base oil, including polyether, synthetic alkyl, synthetic ester, phosphate ester, silicone oil and fluorocarbon oil. �����˾��ѡ��ϳ����������͡������������ͼ����͵Ⱥϳɻ����͵����ܼ���Ӧ�������