1. The tri plate horizontal mould with nonrigid surgical sponge inserts was developed to establish an industrial system for shaping surgical sponge which is used for cataract operation. Ϊ���������ϸ�����������Ѫ������Ʒ�Ĺ�ҵ����ģ���ͼӹ���ϵ���������������Ѫ����ƬΪ�Ǹ���Ƕ��������ʽ��ʽע��ģ�ߡ�
2. Objective:Study to prepare , wear to stab the method, pipe the operation before DSA surgical operation, after operation handle and complications prevention and cure problem. Ŀ�ģ�̽�����ּ�Ӱȫ��Ѫ����Ӱ��ǰ�������̷��������ܲ�����������������֢��ֹ�����⡣
3. We want to buy Disposable Surgical Blades, Scalpels, Ophtalmic Knives, Microtome Blades, Biopsy Punches, Dermal Curettes Medical / Surgical Instruments and Apparatus. ����Ҫ�ɹ�һ���Ե���Ƶ��棬С�������ӣ������ñ�Ƭ��Ƭ�����棬����֯��Ƭ�����ȭ�ػ���Ƥ���Ĺγ�ҽѧ��/������ߺ�װ�á�
4. We want to buy Surgical Dressings, Laparotomy, Cottton Wool, Plasters, Tapes, Bandages, Surgical Clothes. ����Ҫ�ɹ���ƵĴ��£��ʸ���������ë��ʯ�࣬��������������Ƶ��·���
5. Objective:To develop rational surgical approach and to further improve the surgical outcomes to foramen magnum tumors. Ŀ�ģ�̽�����Ǵ�������������ĺ���������·����һ���������������Ч����