1. How to consider harmonic suppression and power factor compensation comprehensively? г���������������ز�������ۺϿ��ǣ�
2. METHODS:To analyse and evaluate the role of pharmacoeconomic research in suppression of unreasonable increase of drug expenses. ����������������ҩ�ᆳ��ѧ�о��ڶ���ҩƷ���ò�����������������á�
3. In this paper, the suppression of frequency shifting by sliding filters in dispersion-managed soliton system with the Gaussian pulse has been studied. �����й������о���������״Ϊ��˹�͵�ɫɢ��������ϵͳ�л�Ƶ�˲�����Ƶ���ƶ������ơ�
1. (botany) the failure to develop of some part or organ of a plant
2. the act of withholding or withdrawing some book or writing from publication or circulation
3. forceful prevention; putting down by power or authority
4. (psychology) the conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts or desires