1. In this supposition they are strengthened by the names of the game and some of its pieces. �����ּ����У�������Ϊ��Ϸ�����ֺ�����һЩϸ�ڶ��õ�֧�֡�
2. There is little evidence to support the general supposition that the NH -tautomer is generally favoured (see Wang et. al . ������֤��֧�ֵ�һ��ٶ����º���ʲ���ݣ������칹���ձ��ɣ������ȡ����ء���
3. This supposition is an important reference for preventing accident, risk management, emergency response and control in large-scale social operating activities. �ù���Կ�չ������ᾭӪ����¹�Ԥ�������չ�����Ӧ�������Ϳ��ƾ�����Ҫ�ο���ֵ��
1. a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
2. a hypothesis that is taken for granted
3. the cognitive process of supposing