additional ������additon�����������ݴʣ�ָ��ԭ�л�����������ȥ�ġ� extra ָ�������������������ȥ�IJ��֡� supplementary ������supplement����������ָ��ԭ�е��ӻ���
1. If you have any further Supplementary Insured, please provide details on a separate sheet. �����������������������ˣ����������ֽ�ṩ��ϸ���ϡ�
2. Teachers and students have found that they need supplementary materials to the experimental work. ��ʦ��ѧ�����Ѿ�����������Ҫ����ʵ��IJ�����ϡ�
3. It is a supplementary tool for predicting cetane number with considerable accuracy when used with due regard for its limitations. ����һ�����кܴ�ȷ�Ե�Ԥ��ʮ����ֵ�ĸ������ߣ���Ӧ�ʵ�ע�������ԡ�
1. functioning in a subsidiary or supporting capacity
2. added to complete or make up a deficiency