1. Results After treatment with antithyroxinogenesis, there was no severe complication in all patients. Conclusion Hyperthyroidism supervene cerebral infarction may be one i�� ���10�����߾��������ƣ����������Թ�����ȫ�������ز���֢����ת��Ժ��
2. Early diagnosis may be important because secondary local and systemic infection may supervene and, without timely and appropriate intervention, the disease often leads to sepsis and death. ��������Ǽ���Ҫ�ģ���Ϊ�η��Ծֲ���ϵͳ��֮��Ⱦ������ʱ���ʵ�֮���ƣ��ᵼ�°�Ѫ֢��������
3. Results After treatment with antithyroxinogenesis, there was no severe complication in all patients. Conclusion Hyperthyroidism supervene cerebral infarction may be one i�� ���10�����߾��������ƣ����������Թ�����ȫ�������ز���֢����ת��Ժ��
4. For each human is a part of the human species, and each human therefore has inflicted such atrocities upon nature, upon Earth, and upon one another. ��Ϊÿһ������������ֵ�һ���ݣ������ÿһ�������Ȼ�硢������˴˼�����������ı��С�
5. As you call upon the element of air, you will receive keys to research your own inheritance for new solutions founded upon ancient ancestral wisdom. �����ٻ���Ԫ�أ��㽫�õ�Կ�����о��Լ����Ŵ����Դ�Զ�������ǻ۵Ļ����ϻ���µĽ��������