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supernova [,sju:pə'nəuvə]



    n. [��]������


    1. Regions of the universe with large positive vacuum energy experience expansions so virulent that a supernova explosion would seem peaceful in comparison.
    2. A supernova occurs when a hot, dense star burns up its fuel too quickly and suddenly implodes, generating shock waves and intense blasts of radiate across space.
    3. The diffuse X-ray cloud is due to gas that has accumulated in the central region and been heated to millions of degrees, probably by shock waves from supernova explosions.


      1. a star that explodes and becomes extremely luminous in the process


    ������; ��������; ���ͳ����DZ���; �����DZ���;
    Supernova Remnants
    �������ż�; �����Dzк�; �������ź�;
    Supernova Stand
    Beer Supernova
    Chaampagne Supernova


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