1. This product appearance succinct, simple operation, can according to the customer demand design, welcome to inquire! �˲�Ʒ���ͼ�࣬�����������Ը��ݿͻ�������ƣ���ӭ��λ��ѯ��
2. Not definite modelling and succinct harmonious colour have also presented serious, gentle frame under unitary light . ��ȷ�е����͡����г��ɫ�ʣ��ڵ�һ�Ĺ�����Ҳ���ֳ���ׯ�ء��͵Ļ��档
3. Owner is a building stylist, he hopes to break original household concept through decorating, bring new sense to the bedroom with the modelling of succinct vogue. ҵ����λ�������ʦ����ϣ��ͨ��װ����ԭ�еļҾӸ���Լ���ʱ�е��������Ҵ����µĸо���