1. Because of the coupling effect between scanning lines, the balling phenomenon is more serious on subsequence scanning lines. ����ɨ������������ʹ�˵���������ɨ���ߵ����Ӷ���������
2. When the fruits matured anthocyanin content of black currant was highest, that of red currant was subsequence, that of white currant was extreme low. ��ʵ����ʱ��������������պ�����ߣ�������������պ�����֮��������������պ������͡�
3. So you saw forest by you set (fires that are) undetectable from space and to (that do)*treatment the (tremendous) damage and dry up the forest for subsequence fires. ��ˣ��㷢�ִ���Щ���������ѵ�δ���ֵĵط������𣬶��Ҹ������������Ĵ��
1. something that follows something else
2. following in time