1. An exaggerated vertical scale is useful, however, when dealing with low dips and subdued topography. �������С������ƽ��������£��Ŵ�ֱ�����������õġ�
2. Corporate spending was also subdued. But consumer spending remained very strong, with real personal consumption rising at an annualised rate of 3. 8 per cent. ��ҵ������Ҳ�ڼ��١��������ߵ�������Ȼ���ַdz�ǿ������ʵ�ĸ�����������ÿ��3��8%���ٶ�������
3. Equal split with cyclophosphamide. The line will side pieces area equal parts, this kind of composition as a whole are strong, but subdued, monotonous and taste. ��ȷָ��ʽ�����߽���ָ�ɼ��������ȵIJ��֣����ֹ�ͼ�����ǿ�����а����У�����ƽ����ȱ�ٱ仯��Ȥζ��
1. in a softened tone
2. restrained in style or quality
3. quieted and brought under control
4. not brilliant or glaring
5. lacking in light; not bright or harsh