n. ��ͷ�������� vt. �谭��������������չ vi. �����ؼ��������˱���
1. An abnormal climate stunted the crops. �����������������ׯ�ڵ�����������
2. MTV: What was the stunt work like in those scenes? �Ǽ���������Ϸ�������õ��ؼ��������ģ�
3. There lot of choppers, custom bike shops and a BMX stunt team (E3) to entertain the crowds. �д�����ֱ�������Զ������г��̵��С�ֳ��ؼ��ӣ�E3��չ����������Ⱥ��
1. a difficult or unusual or dangerous feat; usually done to gain attention
2. a creature (especially a whale) that has been prevented from attaining full growth v.
1. check the growth or development of
2. perform a stunt or stunts