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stress [stres]



    n. ѹ����ǿ�������ţ���Ҫ�ԣ��ض�
    vt. ǿ����ʹ���ţ���ѹ���ڣ���������



emphasis   ָ����ͻ������Ҫ�Ի��ص㡣
stress   ������emphasis���ã�������ָ�Ȳ�������ǿ�����֡�


    1. He was being stressed before he gave his lecture.
    2. We stress teamwork in our company.
    3. Living in stress?


      1. the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch)
      2. (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense
      3. (physics) force that produces strain on a physical body
      4. special emphasis attached to something
      5. difficulty that causes worry or emotional tension
      1. to stress, single out as important
      2. put stress on; utter with an accent
      3. test the limits of


    Ӧ��; ѹ��; Ӧ��; ѹ��,Ӧ��;
    stress relief
    Ӧ���ͷ�; Ӧ�����; ����Ӧ��; Ӧ������;
    working stress
    ����Ӧ��; ��������Ӧ��; ��צ��; ����Ӧ��;
    nominal stress
    ����Ӧ��������Ӧ��; ���Ӧ��; ����Ӧ��; ����Ӧ��;
    shear stress
    ��Ӧ��; ����Ӧ��; ��Ӧ������Ӧ��; ��Ӧ��;


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