1. Think like a strategist; act as an animal. ��ս�Լ�����˼������Ұ�������ж���
2. Such politicians and the military mind, appear to be in the ranks of Taiwan's political strategist? �������μҼ����¼ҵ��ػ�����ʱ��������̨�����ξ��¼����У�
3. "People are seeing her as the one ready to be president, " says Mark Penn, Clinton's chief strategist, a perception he says was "accelerated" by the recent debate. ���Ǿ������Ѿ����ý�����ͳ�����ˣ�ϣ�������ϯ��ѡ�ˣ����ˡ����˵��������Ŀ�ˮս�У����ָо�Խ��Խǿ�ҡ�
1. an expert in strategy (especially in warfare)