1. The model shows that stock liquidity and stock market liquidity are the fundamental factors influencing stock price, thus the model proves that securities LVA exists. �о������������Ʊ������ˮƽ���Ʊ�г�������ˮƽ�ǹ�Ʊ��۵���ҪӰ�����أ���������֤��֤ȯ�����Ծ��м�ֵ�����ݴ����֤ȯ�����Լ�ֵ�IJ��㷽����
2. Just like that, you bought stock? -You just saw me buy stock! -You bought stock with my money? ���������������˹�Ʊ��-��ոտ��������˹�Ʊ��-�����ҵ�Ǯ���˹�Ʊ��
3. Turbine propeller used for stock storage of horizontal stock chest, with stock consistency approximately 2-3%. This principle is a lettle like centrifugal pump. �����ƽ�����Ҫ������ʽ���صĽ������棬���õĽ���Ũ��Ϊ2-3����
4. Turbine propeller used for stock storage of horizontal stock chest, with stock consistency approximately 2-3%. �����ƽ�����Ҫ������ʽ���صĽ������棬���õĽ���Ũ��Ϊ2-3����
5. Turbine propeller used for stock storage of horizontal stock chest, with stock consistency approximately 2-3%. This principle is a lettle like centrifugal pump. �����ƽ�����Ҫ������ʽ���صĽ������棬���õĽ���Ũ��Ϊ2-3����
The effect on stock price after firms which listed on Taiwan stock exchange announced to implement treasury stock �������й�˾����ʵʩ��عɶԹɼ�֮Ӱ��,;
Cooperate with planner to deal with dead stock and slow moving stock termly ��ϼƻ�Ա���ڴ���������������;