1. A definition list is not a list of items. This is a list of terms and explanation of the terms. �����б��Ͳ���һ����Ŀ�ˣ�����һ��ʵ���Լ�������صĽ��͡�
2. File System Browser - This application lets you browse and manipulate files from a drive without using a drive list box, directory list box, or file list box. ���Ӧ�ó�����ʹ���һ��������������Ͳ����ļ���������ʹ��һ���������б���Ŀ¼�б������ļ��б���
3. This application lets you browse and manipulate files from a drive without using a drive list box, directory list box, or file list box. It only uses text boxes. ���Ӧ�ó�����ʹ���һ��������������Ͳ����ļ���������ʹ��һ���������б���Ŀ¼�б������ļ��б�������ʹ���ı���
4. File System Browser - This application lets you browse and manipulate files from a drive without using a drive list box, directory list box, or file list box. ���Ӧ�ó�����ʹ���һ��������������Ͳ����ļ���������ʹ��һ���������б���Ŀ¼�б������ļ��б���
5. File System Browser - This application lets you browse and manipulate files from a drive without using a drive list box, directory list box, or file list box. ���Ӧ�ó�����ʹ���һ��������������Ͳ����ļ���������ʹ��һ���������б���Ŀ¼�б������ļ��б���
The effect on stock price after firms which listed on Taiwan stock exchange announced to implement treasury stock �������й�˾����ʵʩ��عɶԹɼ�֮Ӱ��,;