1. Light reaches the bottom stimulating the growth of rooted plant. ���߿ɵ���ײ������̼��и���ֲ��������
2. In winter, the vast Lin, pure white snow, natural ski experience even more stimulating challenges of nature. ���죬ãã�ֺ���������ѩ����Ȼ��ѩ��������������ս����Ȼ�Ĵ̼���
3. Stimulating new ideas and highlighting entrepreneurial efforts are also a key part of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009. �̼��µ�˼·���ص���ҵ��Ŭ��Ҳ��һ���ؼ���ɲ���ŷ����Ĵ������ʹ���2009�ꡣ
1. rousing or quickening activity or the senses
2. that stimulates
3. making lively and cheerful