1. I shall call hills steep which ought to be bold. �һ�ѱ�Ӧ�������϶��ɽ�ڽ������¡�
2. As you can gather, the initial part of the climb seems steep, but safe. ��������֪��������IJ���ԭ���ƺ��ʵǶ��͵ģ�����ȫ��
3. The steep plunge in values, about 33% nationally from peak to trough, caused widespread damage in the American economy and abroad. ȫ�������г��۴Ӹ߷嵽�ȵ��͵���Լ33%�����������ȫ������˹㷺���ƻ���
1. a steep place (as on a hill)
2. engross (oneself) fully
3. let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse adj.
1. having a sharp inclination
2. greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
3. of a slope; set at a high angle