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statutory ['stætjutəri, -tʃu-]



    adj. �����ģ�����ģ��������ʹ���


    1. In excess of statutory jurisdiction, authority, or limitations, or short of statutory right.
    2. What are the statutory and common law limitations of risk transfer in the projects legal jurisdiction?
    3. The statutory dissolution of insurance contracts is a significant institution of insurance contract law.


      1. relating to or created by statutes
      2. prescribed or authorized by or punishable under a statute


    ������; �����ģ����շ����; �����; ����ģ�������;
    statutory audit
    �������; �������; ����; �������,�������;
    statutory machinery
    ��������; �������� (-:-;
    statutory agent
    ����������; ����������,����������; ����������;
    majority statutory


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