1. He squinted through the peephole. �������۾��������ӿ��˿���
2. If I squint with all my strength I may see it. �����б���������е������ҿ��Կ�������
3. I squint through sweat-filled eyes at the display. Ken's voice echoes in my ear. For the first time, I hear desperation. ����չ��ʹ��б���۹���װ�����۾����϶����������ҵĶ������������͡���һ�Σ���������ɥ��
1. abnormal alignment of one or both eyes
2. the act of squinting; looking with the eyes partly closed v.
1. cross one's eyes as if in strabismus
2. be cross-eyed; have a squint or strabismus
3. partly close one's eyes, as when hit by direct blinding light adj.
1. (used especially of glances) directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy