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squelch [skweltʃ]



    vt. ��������ѹ��ѹ�飻ʹ����֨��֨����
    vi. ��֨����
    n. �������ƣ���֨����ѹ���Է��ķ�����ѹ���һ��



    1. It is reported that the governmental troops have successfully squelched an armed coup.
    2. But now was the time to squelch him.
    3. How effective squelch oneself mood fluctuates compulsively.


      1. a crushing remark
      2. an electric circuit that cuts off a receiver when the signal becomes weaker than the noise
      1. suppress or crush completely
      2. make a sucking sound
      3. walk through mud or mire
      4. to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition


    ����; ���롢��������; ѹ��; ����������;
    squelch circuit
    ����������·; �����·; Х�����Ƶ�·; ��������г��·;
    SQL Squelch
    ����; �������Ƶ�·;
    Squelch attenuator
    SQ squelch
    ���룬�������ƣ���·��; ���룬�������ƣ���·��; ���룬�������ƣ���· ��;


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