1. The meeting was sponsored by 16 countries. �˴λ�������16�����ҷ����ٿ��ġ�
2. Excuse me. Would you like to sponsor us? �Բ��𣬴����ˡ���Ը������������?
3. The work agreed to and documented between the project sponsor and the project team in order to plan and deliver the solution scope. Ϊ�˹滮�ͽ������������Χ������Ŀ�����˺���Ŀ�Ŷ�֮����һ�²���¼�ڰ��Ĺ�����
1. someone who supports or champions something
2. an advocate who presents a person (as for an award or a degree or an introduction etc.) v.
1. assume sponsorship of
2. assume responsibility for or leadership of
3. do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of