1. Emmet: We speak English. I also speak Irish, which is still taught in schools at home. But most people don't speak Irish, we speak English. ����˵Ӣ���Ҳ˵������������ڼ���ѧ�������˲�˵�����������˵Ӣ�
2. In Jordan most people speak Arabic and some speak English. ��Լ���������˵�������һЩ��˵Ӣ�
3. The Chaldeans themselves have put them to shame. If they see someone who is dumb, unable to speak, they bring him before Bel, entreating him to make him speak, as if the god could hear them! ��ʱ����һ������˵�����ưɣ���������������ǰ�����˵��������������ܴ���һ����
4. I speak as concerning reproach, as though we had been weak. Howbeit whereinsoever any is bold, (I speak foolishly, ) I am bold also. ��˵�⻰���������Լ����������Ǵ�ǰ�������ģ�Ȼ�����ں������¸ҡ�����˵������������Ҳ�¸ҡ�
5. Speak what you think now in hard words and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict everything you said to-day. �üᶨ������˵���������뷨�����������üᶨ������˵����������뷨����Ȼ���ǿ��ܺ��������˵�Ļ���ì�ܡ�
speak out speak up ������˵;
speak affectedly ��ǻ�õ�;
Their mouths speak arrogantly ���ǹر�����ʯ���ij����������Ծ��ǿ�������;