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sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid]



    adj. ���ӵģ����µģ��þ����ʵģ����о����
    v. ʹ������ʣ�ʹ�Ի󣻴۸ģ�sophisticate�Ĺ�ȥ�ִ���ʽ��




complex   �������ڹ�ϵ�ĸ��ӣ���ͨ����ϸ�о����˽�������պ����á�
complicated   ��complex�ĺ���ӽ�����������ǿ�����ؼ��临�ӣ����ѷ������ֱ����͡�
sophisticated   ����ָ���﷢չ����ﵽ�߼��ij̶������ֳ��ĸ��ӡ�
intricate   ����ָ���۸��ӣ������Ի����⡣


    1. Their mission to breach sophisticated security systems and then report back on how they did it.
    2. Rational product design, sophisticated production equipment, advanced manufacturing processes and improve the quality of the system.
    3. But whereas cars, computers and so forth have become ever more sophisticated, power grids have remained, in essence, sets of dumb wires.


      1. having or appealing to those having worldly knowledge and refinement and savoir-faire
      2. ahead in development; complex or intricate
      3. intellectually appealing


    ��ϸ��; ���µ�; �߼��ġ��Ƚ���; ���ӵ�;
    Sophisticated Lady
    ���ӵ�Ů��; ����Ů��; ����Ů��; ���ʵ�Ů��;
    Sophisticated investor
    Ͷ����; ����Ͷ����; ����Ͷ����;
    Sophisticated Styling
    Sophisticated engine


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