1. Soothing Solution - Normalize the suppleness of skin, calms irritation and inflammation. Enhances mask to achieve soothing effect. ������������Ƥ�����滺�̼�����֢����ǿ��Ĥ����ʵ���滺��Ч����
2. The high temperature bamboo charcoal granules can emit far infrared rays to promote blood circulation, thereby soothing the eye muscles. ��̿�������������ƶ��ɣ���Զ�����߹��ܿ��滺�۲���Ѫ��ѹ�����ɴٽ�ѪҺѭ����
3. When it comes to the seat, thigh, calf and feet muscles, sturdy air bags inflate and deflate to stimulate a strong yet soothing squeezing action. ����β������ȡ�С�Ⱥ��㲿���⣬��ʵ�İ�Ħ��ѹ���ɳ����������Ĺ��̣�ģ��ǿ�����滺�ļ�ѹ������
1. affording physical relief
2. freeing from fear and anxiety