1. In XX bar, We had a short talk through interpretation under the sombre light. ��XX�ưɻ谵�ĵƹ��£������й�������Ķ��ݽ�̸��
2. Ms Denis centers the conflict in human gesture. Each emotion is ritualized and embodied in the sombre drills the men perform. ����˹���˰�ì�ܵ㼯��������������С�ÿһ����ж����л���������������������Ϊ�С�
3. It was one of the many paradoxes in her character, that love of sombre and melancholy melodies, so opposite to her gay, frivolous nature. �������Ը�������ì�ܵ����֮һ����ϲ���ͳ�������������������ǿ��֡��ḡ������ǡ���෴��
1. grave or even gloomy in character
2. lacking brightness or color; dull