1. Somatic cells of angiosperms enter a regenerative phase and behave like embryos. ����ֲ����ϸ������һ����ֳ�Σ���������Ϊ���ߡ�
2. The computerists make no real distinction between behavioral learning and somatic learning. �����ר��û������������Ϊ��ѧϰ�������ѧϰ��
3. Polyploids can arise by somatic doubling, by the fusion of unreduced gametes, and by means of a triploid bridge. ����������ϸ��Ⱦɫ��ļӱ���δ�������ӵ��ں��Լ�һ�ֽ��������ŵķ�����
1. affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit