1. Second lieutenant starts to talk instantly the hush that broke dining-room: "A bit truly, it is wine really, punish your collectivity confinement! Punish your collectivity confinement! !" ��ξ�������ڴ����˲����ļž�����һ�㲻�٣�ȷʵ�Ǿƣ�������ȫ����գ���
2. "Solitary confinement" has a new name in prison systems: segregation. ������������ڼ���ϵͳ���и������ƣ�������롣
3. Its death-row inmates, in solitary confinement, are allowed few visits from family or lawyers. �ù��������˱�������Ѻ�������������˻���ʦ̽�ࡣ
4. He spent six years in jail, mostly in solitary confinement, until his conviction was overturned. �������������߶��ֶ��DZ�������Ѻ��ֱ��ԩ��ƽ����
5. When my wife's confinement is due, send to Moscow for an accoucheur �� Let him be here. �����ŷ����ʱ����������ȥĪ˹�����������ҽ��������������������