1. Behind the second hearse was a solitary woman walking a pit bull on a leash. ����ĵڶ��鳵��һ���¶���Ů�����˱��ض�ţ��һƤ����
2. Both solitary cysts and polycystic disease are usually not discovered until adulthood. �����ǹ��������Ҳ�ͨ���ڳ���ʱ�ڲű����֡�
3. Leaves entire, broadly elliptic or oblong; flowers usually 2- to few fascicled at leaf axils, rarely solitary, peduncles absent; style simple. ȫԵ��Ҷ����Բ�εĿ���Բ�Σ�ͨ����2-��ҶҸ�����ٵ����ĺ��ٴ����������ޣ�������һ��
1. confinement of a prisoner in isolation from other prisoners
2. one who lives in solitude adj.
1. characterized by or preferring solitude
2. of plants and animals; not growing or living in groups or colonies
3. lacking companions or companionship
4. being the only one; single and isolated from others
5. remote or secluded