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solemn ['sɔləm]



    adj. ׯ�ϵģ�����ģ�¡�صģ�֣�ص�



earnest   ָ���࣬���棬���ϿҺ�������ζ��
serious   ָ���йؼ��������������������顣
grave   ������������ϣ���Ҫ����˼���������˵�����ζ��
severe   ָ��׵����࣬���ɵ��������˲������ء����������ԣ���˿�����顣
solemn   ָ�˱���򳡾��������࣬����������ӡ����̡�
sober   ��������ƻ������Լ��ĸ�������ֳ���ׯ�ء�


    1. Let your satisfaction is our solemn commitment!
    2. What is life but a series of preludes in that unknown song whose first solemn note is sounded by death?
    3. My most solemn duty is to protect this nation and its people from further attacks and emerging threats.


      1. dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises
      2. characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions


    ׯ�ϵ�; ׯ��; �����; ����ģ�ׯ�ϵأ�¡�ص�;
    solemn serious
    Solemn Judgement
    solemn war
    Solemn Simulacrum
    ��ɫ��Ӱ; ��ɫ��Ӱ;


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