1. Softwood trees have thin, needle-like leaves. ��������ҶƬ��ϸ������״��
2. Processing category:Corn, peanut, dried potato and grains, chemical raw materials, plastics, wood powder, softwood and slurries. �ӹ�������ס��������ϸɵ���ʳ�࣬����ԭ���࣬�����࣬ľ���࣬��ľ�࣬����ȡ�
3. ACQ-DB preservative provides the timber with an all-round protection against biological degradation. It protects both softwood and hardwood timber against fungal decay, borers and termites. DB������Ϊ��ȫ��λ�ı���ľ���������オ�⣬�ֿ�ľ���������ϼ�ľ����׳����Ҷ�ļ���Ҷ�ĵ���ʴ��
1. wood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir)