1. Switch on the light at the wall - socket . �ѵ�ƽ�ͨ��ǽ�ϵĵ�Դ�����ϡ�
2. Plug the power wires of protectors into the power input socket. ���������ĵ�Դ�߲��ڵ�Դ��������ϡ�
3. When the proper temperature is reached alloy will flow readily into space between tube outer wall and valve socket. �ﵽ�ʵ����¶ȺϽ�Ѹ�����������ܵ���Ǻͷ�����֮��Ŀռ䡣
1. a bony hollow into which a structure fits
2. receptacle where something (a pipe or probe or end of a bone) is inserted
3. a receptacle into which an electric device can be inserted