1. Pull up. Gear down. Gently. You just want to kiss the ground. Just a peck, a smooch, like you'd kiss your sister. ����������������������ģ�����Ĵ��ء����������ʳ��������İ�������������������������
2. Will I learn how to do this?" I pressed my fingers together and shaped my mouth into a smooch and then growled like a dog." ����Ҫѧϰ��ô����Щ���𣿡��Ұ��ҵ���ָѹ��һ��Ū������һ����
3. There's a gaudy big grindstone down at the mill, and we'll smooch it, and carve the things on it, and file out the pens and the saw on it, too. ��ľ���Ƕ���һ���ִ��ְ���ĥ��ʯ�����ǿ���ȥ����͵����������̶�������һ�����ֿ���������ĥ�ʺ;��ӡ�
1. an enthusiastic kiss
2. snuggle and lie in a position where one person faces the back of the others