1. It was a long slender stick of vivid yellow. ����һ�������ģ�ϸϸ�ģ���ɫ���Ĺ��ӡ�
2. I flew over the trees, the slender willow sister . �ҷɹ����ԣ��������˦��ϸ����С���ӡ�
3. I listened to his chatter, instructed where needed and watched his slender hands patiently rip out seams. �����������ੲ��ݣ�����ʱ����ָ����������ϸ���������ĵ�˺����ڡ�
1. being of delicate or slender build
2. very narrow
3. having little width in proportion to the length or height
4. small in quantity
5. moving and bending with ease