1. The man attached a strong rope to his sled. ���˽�һ����ʵ������ϵ������ѩ���ϡ�
2. Fred ran in shed. Had plan. Got sled. "Go slow, " Mom said. "I know, " said Fred. ����������С�ݡ����мƻ����õ�ѩ��������������������˵������֪������������˵��
3. Buck watched them apprehensively as they proceeded to take down the tent and load the sled. ���ǿ�ʼ���ֲ�����װѩ�����Ϳ���һ�Ե��ĵؿ������ǡ�
1. a vehicle mounted on runners and pulled by horses or dogs; for transportation over snow
2. ride (on) a sled