1. A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. ƽ���ĺ���ѵ������������ˮ�֡�
2. And of course, a "star" is a person who is very famous and skillful. ��Ȼ��һ�������ǡ�����ָһ���dz����������вŻ����ˡ�
3. The drama reflect the Korean People's Army 's glorious image of brave and skillful in battle in Korea wartime from 1950-1953. ���練ӳ��1950-1953�곯��ս��ʱ�ڣ�Ӣ�۵ij������������Ӣ����ս�����������Ĺ�������
1. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
2. done with delicacy and skill