1. For example, when entering cadets or "plebes" are questioned by upper-class officers, they are restricted to four answers: "Yes, sir, " "No, sir, ""No excuse, sir, " and "Sir, I do not understand. ������˵����������ѧԱ����˵һ�꼶�������ϼ��������ʣ����DZ���ֻ���������ֻش𣺡��ǵģ����١������������١�����û���κν�ڣ����١��͡����٣��Ҳ����ס���
2. Gaia : We will help you defeat Zeus. Death is an escape, Kratos. You are a warrior of Sparta, not a coward. Only a coward accepts death. ���ǣ����ǽ�����������˹�����������ӱܵķ�ʽ������˹������˹�ʹ����ʿ������ų��ֻ��ų��Ż����������
3. Coward as he is (=Though he is a coward), he can't bear such an insult. ��Ȼ����ų��ȴ���������������衣
4. The principles of Self-pierce riveting with semi tubular rivet, self-pierce riveting with solid rivet, die less clinching, clinching and Hydro-clinching are introduced. ��Ҫ���ܰ����í���Գ�í�ӡ�ʵ��í���Գ�í�ӡ���ģí�����ӡ���ģí�����ӡ�Һѹí�ӵȼ����Ĺ���ԭ�����Ƚϸ������Ӽ������š�ȱ�㡣
5. The principles of Self-pierce riveting with semi tubular rivet, self-pierce riveting with solid rivet, die less clinching, clinching and Hydro-clinching are introduced. ��Ҫ���ܰ����í���Գ�í�ӡ�ʵ��í���Գ�í�ӡ���ģí�����ӡ���ģí�����ӡ�Һѹí�ӵȼ����Ĺ���ԭ�����Ƚϸ������Ӽ������š�ȱ�㡣