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�ʵ� | ���� | ���ʱ� | ������ | �ɿ���ҳ

singular ['siŋɡjulə]



    adj. [��]�����ģ���һ�ģ��Ƿ��ģ��쳣��
    n. [��]����




queer   ָһ���޷����͵Ĺֵ���ǿ����������غͲ���˼�顣
odd   ͨ��ָ�����ɡ�ż�����ֵ��˻�������������������֡�
funny   ��ͨ���ôʣ�ָ��ֵû�����Ц�򷴳���
crazy   ��ָ���ڲ�ͬ����Ϊ������������ﱾ���������ƿ�Ц���񾭲���������ζ��
curious   ͨ��ָ�dz��ر��������ע�⡢�о���̽�������ء�
peculiar   ����������ֵĻ��һ�޶������ԣ�Ҳָ�Ը������������������ڲ�֮ͬ����
strange   ��ͨ���ôʣ�����㷺��ָİ�����桢��֡���ֻ���Ȼ���˻��
eccentric   ָƫ�볣��Ĺ�����񱡣
quaint   ָ��ɫ���㣬���˸е����������Ȥ��
singular   ͨ��ָ�쳣�����أ�������ͬ��һ�㡣


    1. Excellence is not a singular act.
    2. The model filename should be singular of the corresponding database table name.
    3. Using the singular value decomposition of matrix, the authors give several results on the extremum for matrix quadratic form, which corrects and generalizes some results in [1].


      1. the form of a word that is used to denote a singleton
      2. unusual or striking
      3. beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
      4. being a single and separate person or thing
      5. composed of one member, set, or kind
      6. grammatical number category referring to a single item or unit
      7. the single one of its kind


    ��һ�ģ�����ģ�������; ����; ���; �����;
    singular surface
    ������; ��������; ������; ������,��������;
    singular form
    singular function
    ���캯��; �캯��;
    singular attractor
    ����������; ���������� ��a ��`�D; ����������;


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