1. Excellence is not a singular act. ���㲻��һ���������ж���
2. The model filename should be singular of the corresponding database table name. ģ�͵��ļ���Ӧ���Ƕ�Ӧ���ݿ�������ĵ�����ʽ��
3. Using the singular value decomposition of matrix, the authors give several results on the extremum for matrix quadratic form, which corrects and generalizes some results in [1]. �������þ��������ֵ�ֽ⣬������������ͼ�ֵ�����ɽ������Щ����������ƹ�������[1]�е�һЩ���ۡ�
1. the form of a word that is used to denote a singleton
2. unusual or striking
3. beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
4. being a single and separate person or thing
5. composed of one member, set, or kind
6. grammatical number category referring to a single item or unit
7. the single one of its kind