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sinewy ['sinju:i]



    adj. �����ģ�����ģ����ⷢ���



    1. He is lean and sinewy with muscular legs.
    2. Fields, 53, is a sinewy man with a broad smile and a jaunty gait.
    3. The hind legs are less fleshy than the forelegs, are muscular at the thighs, very sinewy and the hocks and stifles are well bent.


      1. (of meat) full of sinews; especially impossible to chew
      2. consisting of tendons or resembling a tendon
      3. (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful


    ǿ׳��; �Ѷ���Ƭ; �����; �죨�ʣ���;
    a bony and sinewy style
    beefy burly massive sinewy solid stark stout substantial well-knit


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