1. turned sideways to show the profile; crabs seeming to walk sidewise. ת������ʾ���棻�з�������������·��
2. She was sitting a little sidewise, and in her pocketbook was the pistol, aimed at his belly. �������ڽ��ԣ����������������װ����ǹ�����������ĸ�����
3. If one moved, the other moved -- but only sidewise, in a circle; they kept face to face and eye to eye all the time. һ��Ų��һ������һ��ҲŲһ�������ɶ���б�Ų��Ӷ�Ȧ�ӡ�
1. toward one side
2. with one side forward or to the front
3. from the side; obliquely