1. The half-caste gave him a sidelong glance. ��Ѫ��б��������һ�¡�
2. Afterwards, still naked and lazily walking across the studio, she stopped before an easel with a half-finished painting and watched him sidelong as he threw on his clothes. ����ϣ��������¶�ţ�����������������Ų�����ͻȻ���Ѿ�����һ��Ļ���ǰͣ�����������Ӳ���ע��������˹�����ش����·���
3. Kim Peek bowls into the B&B and, with a slightly sidelong gait, heads straight for the small kitchen, where he tilts his brow quizzically and regards the chef with a beady eye. ��Ƥ���������İ��ֲ������ͥ���磬ֱ��С���������ɻ������üë��һֻĿ���������۾�б���ų�ʦ��
1. (used especially of glances) directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy
2. situated at or extending to the side
3. inclining or directed to one side adv.
1. on the side
2. with the side toward someone or something
3. to, toward or at one side
sidelong ���;
indirectly sidelong ��ӵ�;
raise hat sidelong б�߾�ñ;
cast a peculiar sidelong look ����ֲ�����۹⡾���б��ӵ���ζ;