1. Teachers require to be warned against shouting. ��Ҫ����ʦ��Ҫ�������С�
2. Merely shouting some sentences is far from enough to help students learn English. �����������������Ӷ���ѧ��ѧϰӢ����ԶԶ�����ġ�
3. Shouting to make your children obey is like using the horn to steer your car, and you get about the same results. �ô�еķ�ʽ����ĺ��ӷ��ӣ����������ȼ�ʻ��ij��ӻ�õĽ����һ���ġ�
1. encouragement in the form of cheers from spectators
2. uttering a loud inarticulate cry as of pain or excitement adj.
1. noisy with or as if with loud cries and shouts