1. Iron Joe's stomach, Iron Joes intestines, Iron Joes colon. I know more about Iron Joe than any stinking proctologist. ���ж�����ժ��θ�ʹ����ж�����ժ�Ĵ�����ֱ�������������DZ�һ����θר��֪���Ļ��ࡣ
2. We can supply 100% original Taylormade burner XD iron, Honma LB280 iron, Mizuno MP57 iron, AP2 iron and rosa putters, all of these club heads are taken from original factory. ���ǿ��Թ�Ӧ100��ԭTAYLORMADE��ȼ����XD����������LB280����ˮҰ����������������aP2����ɯ�Ƹˣ�������Щ���ֲ��������Ǵ�ԭ���Ĺ�����
3. There were no iron picket fences, iron summerhouses, iron gates or even iron statuary of the lawns of Atlanta now, for they had early found their way into the melting-pots of the rolling mills. ��������IJ�ƺû������դ��������ͤ�������������������ˣ���Ϊ��Щ���͵����ֳ���¯�ˡ�
4. In mammals, iron balance is maintained by meticulous regulation of iron absorption from the duodenum, which responds to body iron stores and erythropoietic iron demand. �����������ĺ㶨�ܵ�С��ϸ�������ܵ��أ�С����������������������������������Ѫ��֯�������йء�