1. This machine is designed for carding sheepskin in large and middle size. �û�����Ҫ��Ϊ��������������Ƥ����Ƶġ�
2. I will use thirty days to read every sheepskin volume, and then come into the next. ÿ����Ƥ������ʮ���ʱ���Ķ���Ȼ���ٽ�����һ����
3. The wool characteristics will maximise pressure relief and provide enduring comfort for all who use an Australian Medical Sheepskin in the health care environment. ��ë�����Կ������̶ȵ��ͷ�ѹ������ҽ�ƻ�����Ϊ����ʹ�ð���ҽ����Ƥ�����ṩ�־õ������ԡ�
1. tanned skin of a sheep with the fleece left on; used for clothing
2. skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on
3. a document certifying the successful completion of a course of study