1. Competition for the job is very severe. ��ݹ����ľ����Ǻܼ��ҵġ�
2. Autism is a series of disorder that can range from mild to severe. �Ա�֢��һ�ֿ��Ե��´��������ص�һϵ�����ҡ�
3. Otherwise we shall certainly inflict upon you very severe punishment. ��������һ�����Ѻ��������̷������㡣
1. intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality
2. very strong or vigorous
3. severely simple
4. unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment
5. causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm
6. very bad in degree or extent
severe ���ص�;
severe storm ǿ�ҷ籩;
severe error ���ش���;
severe accident �����¹�;
�����¹� �����Գ����¹ʹ�����״̬��������ɶ�о������״̬��;
severe condition �Ͼ������̣��Ĺ���;