1. What is the clinical significance of fetal sentience? ̥���о��к��ٴ����壿
2. This plant is quite unique in that it has a sentience of its own yet can be moderately domesticated. ��������Ҫ�����ǡ�ʳ��ֲ�������ֲ���൱���أ���Ϊ��������С���֪���ģ�������������ѵ����������з�ȣ��н�����
3. But he had been so much hurt that something inside him had perished, some of his feelings had gone. There was a blank of in sentience. ���ǣ����˵�̫�أ������ڵ���Щ�����Ѿ���ʧ�ˣ�����һЩ�о��Ѳ������ڣ���һƬû��֪���Ŀհס�
1. state of elementary or undifferentiated consciousness
2. the faculty through which the external world is apprehended
3. the readiness to perceive sensations; elementary or undifferentiated consciousness