1. In sentence distribution, this set of words are usually used in "assertive sentence", as well as "imperative sentence" and "questions", but definitely not in "truly questions ". Chapter II. 在句类分布上,这一组词通常都是出现在陈述句中,在祈使句和反问句中也可以使用,但是不能出现在真性疑问句中。
2. Syntactically, the marker is restricted in sentence-medial or sentence-end positions but never occurs in the sentence-initial position. 句法上,“(符号略)”只能位于句中、句尾,而不能位于句首,这是由其功能所决定的。
3. Syntactic Comprehension Deficits of "ba" Structure Sentence and "bei" Structure Sentence in the Patients with Chinese Agrammatism after Left-hemisphere Stroke. 左半球卒中后汉语语法缺失患者的“把”字句和“被”字句的理解障碍。
4. (in Transformational Generative Grammar) a level of sentence structure which show the basic form of a spoken or written sentence in the language. (转换生成语法中)语言中表示口头或书面句子基本形式的一层句子结构。
5. It also elaborates contrastive analysis in syntax and semantics in the aspects of grammar, standard words and phrases, sentence order, sentence structure, and ambiguity. 然后从语法、标准术语、语序、句子结构和歧义现象等方面就句法层面,语义层面进行了对比分析。
Listen to the tape and repeat the text sentence by sentence 听录音并逐句重复课文;