1. People are more sensitised to the dangers that threaten the enviroment. ����Խ��Խ��ʶ��Σ�������ĸ������ء�
2. Other photographic plates and film, not for colour photography (polychrome), in the flat, sensitised, unexposed. ���������ð漰�������ǹ���ɫ�й��ã���ɫ����ƽ��װ����������δ�ع��ߡ�
3. This leas children highly sensitised to the particular allergen, which can lead to asthma attacks when their immune system reacts to any subsequent exposure. ��ʹ�ö�ͯ�Թ���ԭ�߶����У���ʹ֮���Ժ��ÿ�α�¶���շ�����������
1. having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibility (especially to a specific factor)