1. Mr Thornton also wants to sensitise western elites to China and to Chinese history. ɣ������Ҳϣ��������Ӣ�����ܶ��й����й���ʷ�и����˽⡣
2. But the campaign to sensitise the world is now at risk of becoming a victim of its own success. ����һ�������˵ľٶ�������ȴ�п��ܳ�Ϊ�����ɹ�������Ʒ��
3. As organisations such as the WHO prepared to tackle this threat, they felt the need to sensitise both the public and politicians. ��������֯�Ȼ�������Ӧ����һ��вʱ�����Ǿ����б�Ҫ���ѹ��ں����͡�
1. cause to sense; make sensitive
2. make sensitive to a drug or allergen
3. make (a material) sensitive to light, often of a particular colour, by coating it with a photographi
4. make sensitive or aware