1. Silicon, however, is not the best material for sensing light. Ȼ�����貢�����������������Ѳ��ϡ�
2. At last, some principled problems about the practical application of the methods to remote sensing data classification are discussed. ����������й�����������ң�����ݷ��ദ����ʵ��Ӧ�õ�һЩԭ�������⡣
3. Pertaining to the sensing, control, information processing, and actuation functions performed through the use of fluid dynamic phenomena. �������嶯��ѧ����ִ�д��С����ơ���Ϣ�����������ȹ��ܵĿ�ѧ�ͼ�����֧��
1. the perception that something has occurred or some state exists
2. becoming aware of something via the senses